Neo4J in Action
Neo4j in Action is a comprehensive guide to designing, implementing and querying graph data using Neo4j. Using hands-on examples, you'll learn to model graph domains naturally with Neo4j graph structures. The book explores the full power of native Java APIs for graph data manipulation and querying. It also covers Cypher, Neo4j's graph query language. Along the way, you'll learn how to integrate Neo4j into your domain-driven app using Spring Data Neo4j, as well as how to use Neo4j in standalone server or embedded modes.
Contents: Part 1: Introduction to Neo4j. 1. A case for a Neo4j database. 2. Data modeling in Neo4j. 3. Starting development with Neo4j. 4. The power of traversals. 5. Indexing the data. Part 2: Application Development with Neo4j. 6. Cypher: Neo4j query language. 7. Transactions. 8. Traversals in depth. 9. Spring Data Neo4j. Part 3: Neo4j in Production. 10. Neo4j: embedded versus server mode. 11. Neo4j in production. Summary.
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Bibliographic information
Nicki Watt
Tareq Abedrabbo
Dominic Fox
Jonas Partner