Information Security and IT Risk Management
This new text provides students the knowledge and skills they will need to complete for and succeed in the information security roles they will encounter straight out of college. This is accomplished by providing a hands-on immersion in essential system administration, service and application installation and configuration, security tool use, TIG implementation and reporting. It is designed for an introductory course on IS Security offered usually as an elective in IS departments in 2 and 4 year schools. It is not designed for security certification courses.
Contents: 1. Introduction. 2. System Administration (Part 1). 3. System Administration (Part 2). 4. The basic Information security model. 5. Asset Identification and Characterization. 6.Threats and Vulnerabilities. 7. Encryption Controls. 8. Identity and Access Management. 9. Hardware and Software Controls. 10. Shell Scripting. 11. Incident Handling. 12. Incident Analysis. 13. Policies, Standards, and Guidelines. 14. IT risk analysis and risk management. Appendices. Glossary. Index.
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Bibliographic information
Alex Campoe
Eric Pierce