Exploring Sikhism: Aspects of Sikh Identity, Culture, and Thought
Exploring Sikhism represents the fruit of an absorbing interest that has lasted nearly four decades. McLeod’s interest embraces all aspects of the life and beliefs of the Sikh people, and is of particular value as an outsider’s research into a living religious faith. Renowned for his sound and insightful monographs on Guru Nanak, Sikh identity, and the Janam-Sakhis, McLeod has always written in an engaging style that makes his work accessible to scholars and lay persons alike. The essays collected here are no exception. They cover a wide range Guru Nanak, the nature of the Sikh Panth (the Sikh community), the Khalsa Rahit (the code of belief and behaviour all initiated Sikhs must promise to obey), Namdhari or Kuka Sikhs, Caste as observed by Sikhs, and the Sikh diaspora to other countries. Particular terms are examined and analysed, there is a brief study of Macauliffe and his contribution to Sikh Studies, and ‘Fundamentalism’ in the Sikh context is also examined. The collection concludes with a spirited answer to the various criticisms which have been levelled against McLeod for his views of the Sikhs. With articles that appeared in various journals and other edited works, but are mostly difficult to obtain, this volume makes an important segment of McLeod’s work available. It will be invaluable for those in the fields of Sikh studies, religious studies, history, sociology, as well as for general readers as an introduction and guide to the work of this important scholar.
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