Buddhist Image Houses: The Evolution of Temple Design from the Kandyan Era to Independence
Evolving Traditions of the Buddhist Image House Part II: The World of Seduction and Generosity Between Heavenly Clouds and Hell Fires
Tantric Buddhist Sculptures in Maharashtra's Cave Shrines: An Iconographic and Socio-Cultural Study
Expression of Tantra in Buddhism and Buddhist Art (In 2 Volumes)
The Theory and Practice of the Mandala
Gandhara Sculpture of the Patna Museum
Buddhism in South and South-East Asia
Kucha & Beyond, Divine & Human Landscapes from Central Asia to the Himalaya
Buddhism and Jainism in Ancient history
Sudhana's Way to Enlightenment
Echoes of Enlightenment IGNCA'S Journey Into Buddhism
Immortals in Buddhist Arcadia: Picturing Greek Mythology (In 2 Volumes)
Buddhist Archaeological Monuments of Lahaul Valley
Early Matters: Essays on the History of Buddhist Art in Zangskar, Western Himalaya
Buddhism: A Holistic Vision
Transcending Boundaries: Premodern Cultural Transactions across Asia: Essays in Honour of Professor Osmund Bopearachchi
Himalayan Buddhist Art and Architecture
Tibetan Monastery Collections and Museums : Traditional Practices and Contemporary Issues
Elements of Buddhist Stupa Architecture
Ornamental and Decorative Repertoire in the Murals of Kizil
Sanskrit Manuscripts from Japan (Volume- 1)
The Life and Work of Auleshi: Sherpa Buddhist Artist and Adept
Yantra-Mantra-Tantra in Buddhism
Ars Tibetica et Mongolia
Mustang: Mystique of a Mountain Kingdom
Varahi Vajravarahi in the Tantras: No Goddness Such As This
Shashwat Maharathi: The Eternal Seeker
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