Devicraft: Each Stitch Tells Her Story
The Purusottama-Jagannatha Temple of Puri: A Study on It's History and Conservation
Mathura: A Tapestry of Art and Devotion
Mystical Chidambaran: The Golden Stage of Nataraja
Ramayana in World Art and Thought
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The Jagannatha Temple at Puri: Its Architecture, Art and Cult
Portraying the Guru: Art, Devotion and Identity in Sikhism
New Dimensions of Indian Art and Iconography: Felicitation Volume in Honour of Dr Umesh Chandra Dwivedi (In 2 Volumes)
Homage to Mahadev: Ancient Shiv Temples of Himachal Pradesh
Legends and Lore of Krishna's Braj
Realm of the Deities
Singing the Goddess into Place: Locality, Myth and Social Change in Chamundi of the Hill, A Kannada Folk Ballad
Ramakatha in Odishan Art and Culture
Syncretism in Sculptural Art of South and South East Asia
The Divine Feminine: Maa Kamakhya the Bleeding Goddess
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Ramayana in Cambodian Sanskrit Inscriptions, Sculptures, Ramleela & Paintings
Birthing the Goddess: The Feminine and the Idea of Birth
Haripriya Forms and Meaning in Indian Art and Iconography Essays in Memory of Dr Haripriya Rangarajan
Illuminations from the Ramayana
Feminine Beauty in Temple at of North-East India
Narasimha & The Avatars: The Incarnations of God
Srivisnu-Caritam in Indian Art and Literature (In 2 Volumes)
Ayodhya: A Walk Through the Living Heritage (The Splendour of Shri Ram's Ancient City)
Whose Ramayana is it anyway?
Shree Jagannatha: Lord of the Universe
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