English-Sanskrit Dictionary: Comprising the Millenarian Linguistic Heritage of Sanskrit from the Rgveda to the 18th Century (In 9 Volumes)
The Chakma Language Growth and Structure (In 2Volumes)
Sanskrit Grammar (Sanskrit Text with English Translation)
Endangered Toda Tribe Buffalo Culture and Language Preservation
Punjabi Centuries: Tracing Histories of Punjab
A Dictionary of Sanskrit, Prakrit and Pali words in Tamil and Malayalam
Language Atlas of West Bengal 2011
The Wonder That Is Urdu
Drgambhrni: The Syntax and Semiotics of Sculpture & Indian Linguistic Theories
Early Tamil Epigraphy: From the Earliest Times to the Sixth century C.E. : Volume 1: Tamil-Brahmi inscriptions
Language Atlas of India, 2011
Maha-Subhasita-Samgraha: Being An Extensive Collection of Wise Sayings in Sanskrit (Volume 9)
Great Indian Epics: International Perspectives
Linguistic and Textual Aspects of Multilingualism in South India and Sri Lanka
Development of Indian languages
The Magadhi Language: Origin and Development
Cultural Heritage in Bihar
The Flood
The Three Early Tiruvantatis of the Tivyappirapantam
XXXVth International Session of the All India Persian Teachers' Contribution of Persian Language & Literature to the Indian Subcontinent: With Special Reference to Bengal
Letters to Mother
Two Way Mirror: Poems Original and Translated
Sociology of Translation
India in Translation, Translation in India
Contribution of Non-Muslim Poets and Writers to the Development of Urdu, Persian & Arabic Studies on the Occasion of Platinum Jubilee of the Dept. of Arabic, Persian, Urdu & Islamic Studies
Obsession & Wild Pigeons
The Heart Breaks Free & The Wild One
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