Malleable Mara
Celebrating 100 Years of Wisdom: Honoring His Eminence Yongdzin Lopon Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche’s 100th Birthday
Confluence of India and Central Asia through the Ages
The Weights of Laos and the Mekong Region
Svayambhupuranam: Original Text with English Translation
Buddhist Education and Character Building based on the Pali Tipitaka
Dancing Away to Nirvana
The Theory and Practice of the Mandala
Guardian of a Dying Flame: Sariputra (c. 1335 1426) & the End of Late Indian Buddhism
Yogacara Vasubandhu’s Phenomenological Idealism: A Buddhist Theory of Consciousness
The Kalacakra Tantra, Volume II, Translation, Annotation and Commentary
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Uddiyana Guru Padmasambhava: The Second Buddha
Tibetan Monks and Defiance of Chinese Occupation
The Jataka Inscriptions in the Skor lam chen mo of Zha lu Monastery
Queens Without a Kingdom Worth Ruling: Buddhist Nuns and the Process of Change in Tibetan Monastic Communities
Mandalas of Four Medical Classics (Chinese to English translation)
Buddhism and Jainism in Ancient history
Sudhana's Way to Enlightenment
Buddhisms in Asia: Traditions, Transmissions, and Transformations
Paradigms of Buddhism
The Other Emptiness: Rethinking the Zhentong Buddhist Discourse in Tibet
Echoes of Enlightenment IGNCA'S Journey Into Buddhism
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Immortals in Buddhist Arcadia: Picturing Greek Mythology (In 2 Volumes)
Buddhism: A Holistic Vision
Transcending Boundaries: Premodern Cultural Transactions across Asia: Essays in Honour of Professor Osmund Bopearachchi
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