Bioresources of Karnataka, Part 1: Protozoa to Hemiptera
The Molluscs of Gulf of Mannar, India and Adjacent Waters - A Fully Illustrated Guide
Encyclopedia of Flora and Fauna of Bangladesh, Volume 17: Molluscs
Geometrid Moths of India
Mollusc Shells in Bangladesh National Museum
Cephalopoda in NZC of the Zoological Survey of India, Kolkata
Zoology of Helminthes
Selenium and Silkworms
A Textbook of Chordate Embryology
Encyclopaedia of Zoology (In 5 Volumes)
Anatomy of Mollusca
Annotated Checklist of Indian Marine Molluscs: Cephalopoda, Bivalvia and Scaphopoda, Part I
Status Survey on Trochus Niloticus (Linnaeus, 1767) in Andaman and Nicobar Islands
Guide to Opisthobranchs of Andaman and Nicobar Islands
Annotated Checklist of Indian Land Molluscs
Encyclopaedia of Zoography: Science, Technology and Engineering (In 3 Volumes)
Plankton Dynamics of Indian Waters
Zoological Research in Human Welfare: Papers Presented at the National Seminar on Dimensions in Zoological Research in Human Welfare
Wetlands of North East India: Ecology, Aquatic Bioresources and Conservation
Avian Influenza or Bird Flu
International Encyclopaedia of Dairy Technology and Animal Husbandry (In 2 Volumes)
Handbook on Care and Management of Laboratory and Pet Animals
Recent Trends in Animal Behaviour
Vet's Ready Reckoner
New Frontiers of Zoology
Problems and Solutions in Zoology
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