Devicraft: Each Stitch Tells Her Story
Romancing The 80s: Snapshots From A Cherished Decade
Cultural Practices of Traditional Philosophical Knowledge in Mithila: Exploring Philosophical Thrust and Inquiries among the Common People...
Playing with the Goddess Gavri of the Mewar Bhils (In 3 Volumes)
Indian Women’s Beauty Secrets or Traditional Cosmetology: Where Magic Meets Science: Ayurvedic, Cultural, Artistic, and Modern Medical Aspects
Disability and Rights in Indian Perspectives
Social Movements, Media and Civil Society in Contemporary India: Historical Trajectories of Public Protest and Political Mobilisation
Why Feminism Matters: Feminism Lost and Found
The Sociology of Emile Durkheim
Feminism and Contemporary Indian Women’s Writing
Recentring the Global South in Migration Studies
Human Rights and Human Security in South Asia
Bombay Presidency, 1850-1920: Disease, Sanitation and Public Health Personalities
Indian Sociologists: Conversations
A Remembered Village, A Remembered Town: Socio-Economic Changes in Western Tamil Nadu
Waiting Town: Life in Transit and Mumbai's Other World-Class Histories
Singing the Goddess into Place: Locality, Myth and Social Change in Chamundi of the Hill, A Kannada Folk Ballad
Tigers and Tribes: A Silent Conversation
The Nachni Chronicles: A Photographic Journey of Resilient Rhythms
Punjabi Centuries: Tracing Histories of Punjab
Gandhi's Australia, Australia's Gandhi
Unveiling the Enchanting Beauty of Ziro Valley: A Journey Through its Culture, People and Landscape
Tarun Tahiliani: Journey to India Modern
Majnu Ka Tilla Diaries
Tribal Tea Plantation Workers and Their Health: A Critical Study of Tripura
Bankidas Ri Khyat: History of Rajputs, Afghans, Mughals & Political, Religious & Social Traditions (In 2 Volumes)
India's Indigenous Peoples: A Journey of Self-Reflection on Culture, Society and Sustainability
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