Devicraft: Each Stitch Tells Her Story
World as Woman: Music and Goddess
Indian Women’s Beauty Secrets or Traditional Cosmetology: Where Magic Meets Science: Ayurvedic, Cultural, Artistic, and Modern Medical Aspects
Why Feminism Matters: Feminism Lost and Found
Feminism and Contemporary Indian Women’s Writing
Widows of Colonial Bengal: Gender, Morality and Cultural Representation
Dynamics of Women Education in India
Women Entrepreneurship in the Indian Middle Class: Interdisciplinary Perspectives
Women, Incarcerated: Narratives from India
Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplaces: Mental Health and Social Aspects
Women in Social Change: Visions, Struggles and Persisting Concerns: Social Change in Contemporary India, Volume 4
Gender and Neoliberalism: The All India Democratic Women’s Association and its Strategies of Resistance
Her Story: Essays on Women's History in honour of Professor Geraldine Forbes
Magic of Indian Weddings: Timeless Traditions, Sacred Customs
Liberating Power: Asian Feminist Theological Perspectives
Mutating Goddesses: Bengal's Laukika Hinduism and Gender Rights
Indian Housewives: Subverting the Gendered Stereotypes
Women Empowerment and Rights
Women & Law in India (In 2 Volumes)
Semiosis and Manipuri Women
Women Entrepreneurs and Atmanirbhar Manipur
Rajbanshi Women and Education: A Feminist Reader
Development of Women's Rights in India
Institutional Framework For Women's Rights in India
Protection of Indian Women Against Discrimination and Violence: Judicial Approach
Women's Participation and Decentralised Governance
Women in Police in India: A Journey From Periphery to Core
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