Records of the Zoological Survey of India: A Journal of Indian Zoology: Vol: 124, Part: 2
Faunal Diversity of Lesser Known Fauna of Cauvery Estuary and Adjacent Areas, Tamil Nadu, India
Faunal Diversity of Point Calimere Wildlife Sanctuary
Moths of Bihar and Jharkhand
Fauna of Punjab
Orthoptera Diversity in Indian Biogeographic Zones
Status of Coral and Its Associated Fauna in Landfall, East Peacock, Table Delgarno and Trilby Islands Sanctuaries, North Andaman
The Fauna of India and the Adjacent Countries: Acari: Cryptostigmata, Oribatei Inferiores (Palaeosomata, Parhyposomata, Enarthronota, Mixonomata)
Faunal Diversity of Kachchh Biosphere Reserve, Gujarat (Vertebrates)
Studies on the Selected Families of Hymenoptera: Apidae, Halictidae, Megachilidae, Scolidae and Vespidae: of Sundarbans Biosphere Reserve, West Bengal
Taxonomic Accounts of Horse Flies: Insecta: Diptera: Tabanidae of West Bengal
Gorgonians of Indian Seas
Fauna of Phansad Wildlife Sanctuary Maharashtra
Sponges of Andaman and Nicobar Islands
Fauna of Kanyakumari Wildlife Sanctuary Tamil Nadu
Faunal Diversity of Dehradun District Uttarakhand (In 2 Volumes)
Fauna of Tawang Arunachal Pradesh
Revision of Indian Flat Bark Beetles: Cucujidae and Laemophloeidae: Coleoptera: Insecta
Studies on the Fauna of Mahatma Gandhi Marine National Park, South Andaman w.s.r. to Ichthyofauna and Entomofauna
Checklist of Chironomid Midges (Diptera: Chironomidae) of the Oriental Region
Handbook on Common Aquatic Coleoptera W.S.R. to Family Gyrinidae, Noteridae, Dytiscidae and Hydrophilidae of India
Faunistic and Limnological Studies on Palair Lake, Khammam District, Andhra Pradesh
Faunal Studies of Krishnaraja Sagar Reservoir, Karnataka w.s.r. to Zooplankton, Aquatic Insects and Fishes
Faunistic Studies on Cumbum Lake, Prakasam District, Andhra Pradesh w.s.r. to Zooplankton, Aquatic Insects and Fishes
Antarctica: a Mysterious Continent
Fauna of Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve
Fauna of Tripura (Part I: Vertebrates)
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