Extension Methodologies & Transfer of Technology in Agriculture
Solanaceous Vegetables: A Field Guide for the Identification of Diseases & Insect Pests
Soil Health & Irrigation Water Management
Compendium of Crop Improvement (In 4 Volumes)
Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) for Sustainable Resource Management
Gender Sensitization and Empowerment in Agriculture
Application of Drone Technology in Agriculture and Horticulture
Advances in Seed Treatment Technologies
Advanced Agrometeorological Techniques for Climate Smart Agriculture
Rainfed Agriculture & Watershed Management
Compendium of Crop Improvement Vol 4: Plant Biotechnology
Compendium of Crop Improvement Volume 3: Plant Breeding
Compendium of Crop Improvement Volume 2. Cytogenetics
Compendium of Crop Improvement Volume 1: Genetics
Colour Atlas on Symptomatology of Common Diseases in Animals
Production Potential and Processing of Cashew: A Reference Book in Bharat
Hand Book of Anatomy and Physiology of Livestock
Veterinary Gynaecology & Obstetrics: A Practical Manual
Swine Production and Management: A Practical Manual
Organic Farming Principles & Practices
Advancing Agriculture Harnessing ICT for Transformation and Empowerment
Google Earth Engine with Python for Climate Smart Agriculture
Natural Resources Management in Climate Smart Agriculture
Drone Technology and its Applications in Agriculture
Coffee From Seed to Cup
Climate Change & Abiotic Stresses in Horticultural Crops
Basic Geoinformatics for Climate Smart Agriculture
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