The Sikh Religion: Its Gurus, Sacred Writings and Authors (6 Volumes in 3 Parts)
The Theory and Practice of the Mandala
Utpaladeva on the Power of Action
Glimpses of Western Philosophy
Indian Women’s Beauty Secrets or Traditional Cosmetology: Where Magic Meets Science: Ayurvedic, Cultural, Artistic, and Modern Medical Aspects
The Veda in Kashmir: History and Present State of Vedic Tradition in the Western Himalayas (In 2 Volumes)
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Bhakti in Vaisnava Traditions
Caitanya Caritamrta of Krsndasa Kaviraja: A Translation and Commentary
Vedic Roots, Epic Trunks, Puranic Foliage: Dubrovnik International Conference on the Sanskrit Epics and Puranas, DICSEP publications, volume 7
Medhota Sravah: Felicitation Volume in Honour of Mislav Jezic on the Occasion of His Seventieth Birthday
Stvacintamani of Bhatta Narayana: The Wish-fulfilling Jewel of Praise
Narrative Analysis of Bhagavata Purana: Selected Episodes from the Tenth Skandha
Temples of the Indus: Studies in the Hindu Architecture of Ancient Pakistan
The Temple Road Towards a Great India: Birla Mandirs as a Strategy for Reconstructing Nation and Tradition
Stairway to Nirvana: A Study of the Twenty Samgha's Based on the Works of Tsong Kha Pa
The Origins of Om Manipadme Hum: A Study of the Karandavyuha Sutra
Alternative Krishnas: Regional and Vernacular Variations on a Hindu Deity
Gods, Deities and Demons in the Paintings of Kucha (Leipzig Kucha Studies 4)
The Self-Disclosure of God: Principles of Ibn al-'Arabi's Cosmology
The Repose of the Spirits: A Sufi Commentary on the Divine Names
A Banquet of Philosophical and Devotional Hymns of Abhinavaguptacarya
Nepalese Wood Carving: The Roof Struts of Patan Darbar Square 1565 to 1735
Kashmir Shaivism: A Philosophy of Being and Becoming
The Vinayaka Mahatmya
Aspects of Himalayan Buddhism: Writings of Prof. A. W. Macdonald
Around Abhinavagupta: Aspects of the Intellectual History of Kashmir from the Ninth to the Eleventh Century
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