Phyto-Diversity of Binsar Wildlife Sanctuary, Uttarakhand
Flora of India: Volume 19: Scrophulariaceae - Lentibulariaceae
Flora of India: Volume 21: Phrymaceae – Plantaginaceae
Flora of India: Volume 28: Typhaceae – Eriocaulaceae
Flora of India: Volume 30:Poaceae (Gramineae): Subfamily Bambusoideae
Flora of India, Volume 6: Fabaceae (Leguminosae), Part 1
Flora of India: Volume 22: Nyctaginaceae-Elaeagnaceae
Microfungi of Sanjay Gandhi National Park, Mumbai (Maharashtra)
Flora of Dr. Y S Parmar University Campus Nauni, Himachal Pradesh
A Southern Silk Route - Sikkim and Kalimpong: Wild Flowers and Landscapes
The Bulletin of the Botanical Survey of India : Nelumbo: Vol. 65 (1)
Flora of India: Volume 15: Stylidiaceae-Primulaceae
Flora of India: Volume 20: Gesneriaceae-Acanthaceae
Flora of Uttar Pradesh: Vol III - Hydrocharitaceae-Poaceae
Flora of Manipur: A Pictorial Guide
Compendium on Phytodiversity of Ramsar Sites in India (In 2 Volumes)
Liverwort and Hornwort Flora of Sikkim (In 2 Volumes)
Flora of India: Volume 17: Asclepiadaceae-Menyanthaceae
Russulales of Sikkim: A Collection of Wild Mushrooms
Flora of Kyongnosla Alpine Sanctuary
Flora of Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Vol. II: Myrtaceae-Podocarpaceae
Wild Edible Plants from North-East India: Prospective Entrants as Nutraceuticals: A Scientific Dossier
Flora of Great Indian Bustard Wildlife Sanctuary, Maharashtra, India
Rhododendrons of Sikkim and Darjeeling Himalaya: An Illustrated Account
Flora of India: Volume 24: Urticaceae-Ceratophyllaceae
Mangroves of India: A Pictorial Field Guide
Endemic and Threatened Vascular Plants of West Bengal
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