Presence as Marked by Absence
Celebrating Four Decades of Dalit Theology
Moving Church Towards the Peripheries
Pluriform Mission in the Post: Modern World
Mediation of Christ and Mission of the Church
Ripples of Wisdom
Christ's Idea of Authority in the Church
Becoming Earthlings
Justice Kindness Humility
Jesus, the Dialogue
For a Socially Engaged Faith
Divine -Human Dynamics in the Ordeal of Bitter Waters
Aesthetics and Religion
A Tourist Guide to the Holy Land Experience the Biblical Journey to the Truth
Water is for All
Church in the Wake of Fundamentalism
John the Baptist as Defender
Missiological Exploration of Hesychasm
Learning from the Saints
Towards a Synodal Indian Church
Re-discovering Inigo the Pilgrim in South Asianness
The Self - Emptying of God for Life in Abundance
Church and Cultural Identity
A Theology of Migration in Acts of Mercy
Glimpses into Christian Life and Witness Through the Bible
Studies on Christian Monasticism
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