India's Bangladesh Problem: The Marginalization of Bengali Muslims in Neoliberal Times
Hajj Across Empires: Pilgrimage and Political Culture after the Mughals, 1739–1857
The Political Life of Memory: Birsa Munda in Contemporary India
Evacuee Cinema: Bombay and Lahore in Partition Transit (1940-1960)
Contested Capital: Rural Middle Classes in India
Contours of Value Capture: India's Neoliberal Path of Industrial Development
Let There Be Light: Engineering, Entrepreneurship and Electricity in Colonial Bengal, 1880-1945
The Economics of Venture Capital Firm Operations in India
Identifying and Regulating Religion in India: Law, History and the Place of Worship
Moral Contagion: Black Atlantic Sailors, Citizenship, and Diplomacy in Antebellum America (Studies in Legal History)
Simultaneous Identities: Language, Education and the Nepali Nation
Brewing Resistance: Indian Coffee House and the Emergency in Postcolonial India
Buying Audiences: Clientelism and Electoral Campaigns When Parties Are Weak
(Hi)Stories of Desire: Sexualities and Culture in Modern India
Mobility as Capability: Women in the Indian Informal Economy
Mobilities of labour And Capital in Asia
Godroads: Modalities of Conversion in India
Independence and Accountability of the Indian Higher Judiciary
Evolution of Goods and Services Tax in India
The Rise of Finance: Causes, Consequences and Cures
Corporate Social Responsibility and Economic Responsiveness in India
Crafty Oligarchs, Savvy Voters: Democracy Under Inequality in Rural Pakistan
Maoist People's War and the Revolution of Everyday Life in Nepal
India's State-Run Media: Broadcasting, Power, and Narrative
The Struggle for Equality: India's Muslims and Rethinking the UPA Experience
The Cambridge Companion to Sayyid Ahmad Khan
New Directions in India's Foreign Policy: Theory and Praxis
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