Elysian: The Churches of Travancore
Heritage and Its Dimensions
Eran: Rich Cultural Heritage of Lost Civilizations
The Majesty of Islamic Art and Architecture
Architecture of Ridges and Valleys: Myths and Realities of Himachal Pradesh
Dehradoon: An Illustrated Journey of A City
Protection and Revival of Indian Cultural Identity
Splendid Artworks in Historic Sikh Shrines of India and Pakistan: Conservation Perspective
Re-Interpreting Urban Fabric in Cities With Living Heritage: The Case of Central Kolkata
In Search of Modern Indian Identity: Through Architecture with Jugal Kishore Chowdhury
Legal Frameworks for the Protection of Built Heritage in India
Emerging Dynamics of Indian Tourism and Hospitality: Transformation and Innovation
Bashirul Haq Architect
Model Village: Perspectives for Rural Development
Cranial Nerves and Oral Motor Disorder in Infants and Adults
Laboratory Manual for Principles of Animal and Population Genetics
Exploration of Architectural Journalism in India
Culture, Place, City Branding & Activism: Narratives from Contemporary Lucknow
Re-Imagining Bengal: Architecture, Built Environment and Cultural Heritage
Introducing Wildlife in Urban Ecosystems
A Handbook for Construction Project Planning and Scheduling
Theory of Settlements: History and Evolution of Selected Cities
The Ultimate Taj Mahal
A System's Evaluation For Global History of Indian Architecture
Landscape Architecture: History, Ecology and Patterns
Repositioning Waterfront Settlements
Delhi: an Emerging Megacity Region
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